A safe and welcoming space, reoriented to provide separated bus and parent drop-off routes. Ensures a space where students can thrive that include natural lighting, increased visual monitoring and safety. Redesigned common areas allow for greater collaboration and opportunities for larger projects.
A school that can function safely and securely while at the same time allowing students and staff to feel welcome and comfortable. The site is designed with pedestrian safety in mind.
Separated bus and parent drop-off routes for a safer drop-off and pick-up sequence and added pedestrian walk-ways to keep pedestrians and vehicles separated.
All new windows and replacement windows throughout the school with opening limiters and intrusion resistant glazing.
Safe and secure main entrance with direct interaction with administration and controlled access to thee school.
Library located at the main entrance designed for after hours community use as a meeting space and can be secured from rest of building.
All community focused programs are located on the main floor to allow for easily accessible community use without giving free access to the rest of the school.
Re-designed public entrance to the gymnasium that resolves the existing non-code compliant entrance currently used in the elementary school.
A school is the ultimate community building. It must reflect the goals and values of the entire community.
Middle School space honoring the unique development needs of Middle School students while fostering engagement and independence.
Ensures an environment where students can thrive that includes natural lighting, increased visual monitoring and safety.
Updated learning spaces that evoke creativity and twenty-first century learning opportunities to prepare students for their future.
Redesigned common areas that increases collaboration and opportunities for larger projects.
Increasing the energy efficiency of the building by insulating the exterior walls and reducing building air leakage.
Reduced dependency on fossil fuels with future on-site energy harvesting through the use of on-site solar panels.
Increasing health and wellness by relocating students from areas of the building with no natural light to areas with plenty of natural light.
Replacing all existing windows with thermally broken insulated windows with low E Coating to reduce thermal gain.
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“When the school was built, there wasn’t the need for Pre-Kindergarten, three social workers, two guidance counselors, three resource rooms, reading intervention, Math intervention, Behavioral Intervention. These are all basic required services for schools today in order to meet student needs.”
— BRES Principal Shawna Kurr